Soaring above on feathered wings, the Griffon spells doom for any messenger carrier it sees. Horses are savaged, messengers ripped from the saddle, and bags clawed to pieces! Will someone step in to drive the Griffon off and help the messages get across?
Calling all Game Masters! Inside this box is everything you need to run epic roleplaying encounters with a vindictive Griffon, with minimal effort.
Designed to work with the Local Legends Tavern Kit but easily adaptable for any campaign, the Griffon encounter kit is 5e-compatible and can be used with any fantasy roleplaying game. Just add GM!
• Calling all Game Masters! Inside this box is everything you need to run epic roleplaying encounters with a vindictive Griffon.
• Designed to work with the Local Legends Tavern Kit but easily adaptable for any campaign.
• Compatible with fifth edition or any fantasy roleplaying game.
• 1 x Complete Encounter Book
• 1 x Illustrated Battlemap
• 2 x Highly Detailed Minis