Role Playing Games

Warmachine – Khymaera Shard Incarnates Cadre

£59.80 ex. VAT

Steadily intensifying tremors precede their coming. The rumbling escalates until the ground cracks and breaks from a deafening cacophony of thunderous steps that heralds their arrival. Lacking all subtlety of the Shadowflame Shard, the Shard Incarnates are the Khymaera’s intrepid juggernauts, used to breach any defense or formation. Kyrrax, the Unrelenting Night, is an unstoppable force who drives his vanguard to smash and shatter whatever stands in their way while the rest of Khymaera flood in from behind. He guides Drakyons, beasts of speed and ferocity, to slam through the densest of phalanxes and drive a wedge to capitalize on. The Incarnate Knights flood into the gaps, swinging their oversized flails to batter and fracture stone and steel while the Incarnate Conjurors enhance the assault with their arcane mastery.

• Lacking all subtlety of the Shadowflame Shard, the Shard Incarnates are the Khymaera’s intrepid juggernauts.
• The Incarnate Knights flood into the gaps, swinging their oversized flails to batter and fracture stone and steel.
• Incarnate Conjurors enhance the assault with their arcane mastery.

• Kyrrax, the Unrelenting Night (warlock)
• Incarnate Knights (3-model unit)
• Drakyon (heavy warbeast)
• Incarnate Conjuror (solo)

Warmachine – Koldun Lord Damien Korovnik

£9.80 ex. VAT

Works for the Khador Winter Korps and Orgoth Sea Raiders armies.

Having fled Korsk at the height of Ayn Vanar’s purge of the Greylords, Koldun Lord Damien Korovnik found himself captured by the Orgoth at the start of their invasion. Now forced into foul servitude by the invaders, Korovnik longs for his freedom and a return to his countrymen, even if it means his certain death. Though the former Greylord fights alongside the Orgoth host, he awaits the day he can strike back against his new masters to redeem some small part of himself before meeting his final judgment.

• Powerful arcanist who attaches to his army’s warcaster. In addition to the Spell Slave special rule, Korovnik also has Blizzard and Razor Wind.
• Can immediately cast a spell after destroying an enemy model with his axe.
• Works for the Khador Winter Korps and Orgoth Sea Raiders armies.

• 1 x Koldun Lord Damien Figure

Warmachine – Krueger Wrath of Blighterghast

£21.80 ex. VAT

He is the Storm of Fire.

Once, he was a complicated man who fought for what he believed in. Fallen in battle, his mortal remains were claimed by a cult of mad devotees to the sentinel dragon, He Who Watches the West. This former shell was hurled into the heart of a living volcano, into a cauldron of magma intermingled with dragon blood.

But a body, no matter how transfigured by fire and blight, must be guided by a spirit of equal potency. And the soul that once inhabited this shell agreed to pay a price to the great Seether, the Boiler of Seas. As the dragon’s cult carved his mark into the newborn monstrosity they pulled from the magma, its wandering soul was pulled back into the mortal world to reunite body and soul in a glorious and terrible harmony.

He is the bearer of the volcanic plume. He erupts into battle from the veins of the world in a fiery emergence with a sound of thunder and the crackle of cooling lava. Forests burn at his approach. Armies beneath his blazing gaze are the torches that light his way to victory.

He is Kreuger, the Wrath of Blighterghast.

• He erupts into battle from the veins of the world in a fiery emergence with a sound of thunder and the crackle of cooling lava.
• Armies beneath his blazing gaze are the torches that light his way to victory.
• He is Kreuger, the Wrath of Blighterghast.

• 1 x Wrath of Blightergast Figure

Warmachine – Madam Moriarty

£13.80 ex. VAT

Madam Moriarty is a powerful gatorman bokor and spirit weaver. Once a rival of Barnabas and the Blindwater Congregation, she was forced from the traditional territories of her people when he attained godhood. She has since haunted the less-civilized ports of Immoren seeking her fortunes. A whisperer to the dead, she is often sought for her talents from those in this life…and the next.

• Madam Moriarty can use her magic to manipulate the die rolls of both friendly and enemy models.
• Madam Moriarty will work for the Brineblood Marauders as well as a forthcoming army.
• Powerful spellcaster with the ability to collect souls.

• 1 x Madam Moriarty Figure

Warmachine – Magnus the Unstoppable and Invictus

£39.80 ex. VAT

A patriot, a traitor, a warlord — what Magnus has proven in all his incarnations is that he is unstoppable.

Now, as Magnus returns to the life of a mercenary, he is joined by his greatest creation.

Invictus is the first Super Heavy warjack ever to join the Warmachine battlefield. Magnus, along with Invictus, is available to leaders of existing MKIV as well as Prime Legacy armies. Note that Magnus does not replace a leader model, but is a solo that automatically comes with a super heavy warjack.

• A patriot, a traitor, a warlord — what Magnus has proven in all his incarnations is that he is unstoppable.
• Now, as Magnus returns to the life of a mercenary, he is joined by his greatest creation.
• Invictus is the first Super Heavy warjack ever to join the Warmachine battlefield.

• 1 x Invictus Figure
• 1 x Magnus Figure

Warmachine – Maulgreth The Charnel Plague

£13.80 ex. VAT

Works for the Dusk House Kallyss and Orgoth Sea Raiders armies.

His name was lost to memory during the Orgoth Scourge at the end of the last invasion when the defeated host sought to obliterate every record of their passing, down to the very stones of their grim temples and towering obsidian fortresses. For centuries Maulgreth, once amongst the greatest of the Orgoth warlords of that past age, waited, his unearthly rage contained only by the silence of his forlorn tomb. Now released from both his long confinement and his virtual obscurity by the warwitches accompanying a new Orgoth war host on their invasion of Immoren, the deathless Maulgreth has risen once more to strangle the world of humanity and to bring ruin to those who would defy him. Neither truly Orgoth nor wholly an avatar of death, Maulgreth acts as a sovereign lord, sometimes serving his kinsmen and sometimes entreating with the foulest eldritch of the Cult of Nyrro.

• Powerful undead melee combatant with Cleave, Defensive Strike, Grievous Wounds, Life Drinker, and Weapon Master special rules.
• An Orgoth of old, Maulgreth is both undead and cannot be targeted by spells.
• Works for the Dusk House Kallyss and Orgoth Sea Raiders armies.

• 1 x Maulgreth Figure

Warmachine – Nissak Totem Huntress Champion

£13.80 ex. VAT

Her massive throwing blade has the Decapitation special rule, which says, “Damage exceeding the ARM of the model hit is doubled. A model disabled by this attack cannot make a Tough roll.”

Hailing from the fabled lands of Zu, Nissak made her way to western Immoren as a stowaway aboard a merchant steamer. She had come to test her skills in a new land and to make a legend for herself written in the blood of those who shall fall before her. Nissak strikes from the shadows, eviscerating her foes with her silent throwing blade before moving in for the kill.

• Her massive throwing blade has the Decapitation special rule, which says, “Damage exceeding the ARM of the model hit is doubled. A model disabled by this attack cannot make a Tough roll.”
• Nissak will work for the Brineblood Marauders and the Shadowflame Shard.
• Nissak has Advance Deployment, Ambush, Pathfinder, and Stealth.

• 1 x Nissak Figure

Warmachine – Orgoth Cursebound Cadre

£59.80 ex. VAT

Alongside deep psychological trauma and generational anguish, the most tangible record of the first Orgoth occupation were the infernal relics they left buried beneath their hellish places of execution. For a time, such artifacts were harnessed by misguided arcanists hungry for prestige and influence but who were ultimately ignorant of their true power and implications. No mere weapons, such devices were once the prized possession of fell reavers and soul-fueled warlords, champions of the masters of the Outer Abyss.

Now, with the return of the Orgoth comes Oriax, the Soul Slaver, and his accursed retinue. Weaving blasphemous soul magic, Oriax has the capacity to dominate both beast and machine. He is accompanied by Halexus, The Warlord, a soul-starved herald and bloody avatar of the Fellgoeth infernals. Held in their thrall are the Gnashers, Ulkor shock troopers dominated by the maligned will of their paired hell-wrought weapons, and the massive Ghrotten Champion and Keepers, fearsome warriors likewise slaved to their infernal arms. And most terrible of all, the abominable Raveners: part beast and part machine, these howling monstrosities are the cursebound equivalent of the heaviest warjacks and are devoted utterly to their master’s fearsome will.

• Alongside deep psychological trauma and generational anguish, the most tangible record of the first Orgoth occupation were the infernal relics they left buried beneath their hellish places of execution.
• These howling monstrosities are the cursebound equivalent of the heaviest warjacks and are devoted utterly to their master’s fearsome will.
• Weaving blasphemous soul magic, Oriax has the capacity to dominate both beast and machine.

• Ravener (Heavy Warbeast)
• Gnashers (3-model unit)
• Halexus, The Warlord
• Oriax, the Soul Slaver
• Ghrotten Champion
• Ghrotten Keeper

Warmachine – Orgoth Sea Raiders Auxiliary Expansion

£78.80 ex. VAT

The most terrible and fear-inspiring Orgoth assaults are not the surgical strikes made by the reavers, but the brutal charges from their inhuman shock troops, the bestial Ulkor and the predatory Rhok Harriers.

Specialize your existing force with new tactical options, including a new Warcaster, four units, and two solos – or add these elements to your army to increase your games to 100pt showdowns, where the ground will tremble as you march to total war…

• The most terrible and fear-inspiring Orgoth assaults are not the surgical strikes made by the reavers, but the brutal charges from their inhuman shock troops, the bestial Ulkor and the predatory Rhok Harriers.
• Specialize your existing force with new tactical options, including a new Warcaster, four units, and two solos.
• The ground will tremble as you march to total war.

• Warcaster Horruskh, The Thousand Wraths
• Molok Character Warjack
• Vulcar Forge Master Solo
• Ulkor Barragers Unit
• Rhok Harriers Unit
• Ulkor Axers Unit

Warmachine – Orgoth Sea Raiders Battlegroup Box

£39.80 ex. VAT

Driven by unholy masters to collect a rich bounty of souls, the legendary Orgoth Sea Raiders have stepped from the pages of history and once more returned to conquer the Iron Kingdoms.

The Battlegroup Box is the perfect place to start building a new army. Augment your forces with two new Warjacks, both of which are capable of multiple weapon configurations to suit your style, and really mix things up with a new Warcaster to command them.

• Driven by unholy masters to collect a rich bounty of souls, the legendary Orgoth Sea Raiders have stepped from the pages of history and once more returned to conquer the Iron Kingdoms.
• Augment your forces with two new Warjacks, both of which are capable of multiple weapon configurations.
• The Battlegroup Box is the perfect place to start building a new army.

• Warcaster Kishtaar, The Howling Silence
• Tyrant Heavy Warjack
• Jackal Light Warjack

Warmachine – Orgoth Sea Raiders Core Expansion

£85.80 ex. VAT

In thrall of an infernal and insatiable hunger for souls, the Orgoth armies march forth – not for personal glory or material gain, but in search of the immortal existence promised by their masters.

Expand your collection with a host of options for your army. Take to the field with a brand new Warcaster to keep your opponents guessing, and bolster your battlegroup with a new character Warjack. Open up a world of new strategic choices for defeating your foes with a variety of new units, a command attachment, and a solo, and increase the size of your force to play 75pt games.

• In thrall of an infernal and insatiable hunger for souls, the Orgoth armies march forth – not for personal glory or material gain, but in search of the immortal existence promised by their masters.
• Open up a world of new strategic choices for defeating your foes with a variety of new units.
• Expand your collection with a host of options for your army.

• Warcaster Sabbreth, the Eternal Annihilation
• Reaver Standard Command Attachment
• Reaver Commander Solo
• Reaver Skirmishers Unit
• Warwitch Coven Unit
• Assault Reavers Unit
• Strike Reavers Unit
• Therion Vhanek

Warmachine – Prisoner 102822

£9.80 ex. VAT

Works for the Dusk House Kallyss and Khador Winter Korps.

Now known only by her designation as a convict since all record of her existence was lost during the recent troubles, 102822 was sentenced to serve the Khadoran Empire as a Doom Reaver for her transgressions committed while serving within the Winter Guard. Over time, 102822 began to manifest a rare degree of control over the fellblade that she bore, enabling her to slip from the arcane control her Greylord masters held over her. As a result, 102822 was able to flee from the front lines in Llael, where she was bound to die at the vanguard of some fruitless assault. Slipping over the border into Ios, she was captured by agents of the Retribution, who had a use for the living weapon 102822 had become. With the return of the Orgoth, she has been unleashed once more on the lands of Khador, where she has been abandoned to hunt the ancient enemy, sowing death and chaos wherever she wanders.

• Like any good Doom Reaver, 102822 also has the Advance Deployment advantage.
• Possess the Blood-Quenched, Hyper-Aggressive, and Killing Spree special rules.
• Works for the Dusk House Kallyss and Khador Winter Korps.

• 1 x Prisoner 102822 Figure

Warmachine – Southern Kriels Brineblood Marauders Auxiliary Expansion

£78.80 ex. VAT

As war ravages the Iron Kingdoms, the Brineblood Marauders prowl the waters in search of their next prize, their crews organized into a mighty and varied fleet in the face of their enemies.

Specialize your existing force with new tactical options, including a new Warlock, a new unit, three command attachments to really customize your force, and four solos – or add these elements to your army to increase your games to 100pt showdowns, where the ground will tremble as you march to total war…

• As war ravages the Iron Kingdoms, the Brineblood Marauders prowl the waters in search of their next prize, their crews organized into a mighty and varied fleet in the face of their enemies.
• Specialize your existing force with new tactical options, including a new Warlock, a new unit, three command attachments to really customize your force, and four solos.
• The ground will tremble as you march to total war.

• Marauder Crew Bosun Command Attachment
• Pyg Coxswain Command Attachment
• First Mate Hargor Stormjaw Solo
• Warlock Captain Shadowtongue
• Pyg Cannon Crew Solo
• Pyg Shockers Unit
• Pyg Dirge Solo
• Surgeon Solo

Warmachine – Southern Kriels Brineblood Marauders Battlegroup Box

£39.80 ex. VAT

Crashing ashore from the high seas, the Brineblood Marauders have arrived on the sandy shores in search of plunder, fortune, and glory… and a raucous good time, to boot!

The Battlegroup Box is the perfect place to start building a new army. Augment your forces with two new Warbeasts, both of which are capable of multiple weapon configurations to suit your style, and really mix things up with a new Warlock to command them.

• Crashing ashore from the high seas, the Brineblood Marauders have arrived on the sandy shores in search of plunder, fortune, and glory… and a raucous good time, to boot!
• Augment your forces with two new Warbeasts, both of which are capable of multiple weapon configurations.
• The Battlegroup Box is the perfect place to start building a new army.

• Deepborn Dire Troll Heavy Warbeast
• Reef Troll Light Warbeast
• Warlock Captain Firequill

Warmachine – Southern Kriels Brineblood Marauders Core Expansion

£85.80 ex. VAT

The Brineblood Marauders hound the coast of Immoren, as merciless as they are merry and reaving riches and revenge in equal parts, their due for the injustices nations of men have inflicted on troll-kind.

Expand your collection with a host of options for your army. Take to the field with a brand new Warlock to keep your opponents guessing, and bolster your battlegroup with a new character Warbeast. Open up a world of new strategic choices for defeating your foes with a variety of new units, a command attachment, and a solo, and increase the size of your force to play 75pt games.

• The Brineblood Marauders hound the coast of Immoren, as merciless as they are merry and reaving riches and revenge in equal parts, their due for the injustices nations of men have inflicted on troll-kind.
• Open up a world of new strategic choices for defeating your foes with a variety of new units.
• Expand your collection with a host of options for your army.

• Great Old One Character Heavy Warbeast (Character Parts & Variant Chassis)
• Marauder Crew Quartermaster Command Attachment
• Marauder Crew Tapper Command Attachment
• Warlock Admiral Boomhowler
• Pyg Boarding Party Unit
• Marauder Crew Unit
• Booty Boss Solo
• Pyg Galley Unit

Warmachine – Southern Kriels Fire Tongue Warriors Cadre

£52.80 ex. VAT

The greatest among the Bullcroaks of the Shattered Spine Islands are the Fire Tongue Warriors. Said to be descended from the hero Frawb, who was the first croak to tame fire. To the eyes of westerners, the Bullcroak way of war appears to be dictated only by tribal savagery, but this is far from true. They approach combat through a highly ritualized set of tribal laws and cultural taboos. They seldom seek to eradicate an enemy but instead are out to seek repayment for a wrong or to count coup against a foe. This is nonetheless marked by bloody and brutal fighting, and those who face off against these Fire Tongue Warriors are not soon to forget the experience.

• To the eyes of westerners, the Bullcroak way of war appears to be dictated only by tribal savagery, but this is far from true.
• The greatest among the Bullcroaks of the Shattered Spine Islands are the Fire Tongue Warriors.
• Those who face off against these Warriors are not soon to forget the experience.

• Warlock Warchief Bagadibawm
• Spirit Shamans (3-Model Unit)
• Vorogger (Heavy Warbeast)
• Fire Spitters (5-Model Unit)
• Fire Guardians (3 Solos)
• Mawga’Bawza (Solo)
• Fugue Walker (Solo)

Warmachine – Two Player Starter Set

£52.80 ex. VAT

Across the Iron Kingdoms, where powerful steam engines and arcane magics intertwine, the factions of WARMACHINE clash in a relentless struggle for dominance. With the world teetering on the brink of chaos, mighty warcasters and warlocks command brutal machines and savage creatures into battle, forging the fates of their unyielding nations in the fires of war.

Stride into the Iron Kingdoms with this Starter Set. Inside, you’ll find two opposing armies depicted as detailed HIPS miniatures and terrain to fight across. Choose advanced Cygnar or militaristic Khador, give control of the other to a friend, and go head-to-head in cinematic battles for hours of entertainment. This box is an excellent way to get into Warmachine or expand your existing collection.

• Stride into the Iron Kingdoms with this Starter Set. Inside, you’ll find two opposing armies depicted as detailed HIPS miniatures and terrain to fight across.
• Choose advanced Cygnar or militaristic Khador, give control of the other to a friend, and go head-to-head.
• This box is an excellent way to get into Warmachine or expand your existing collection.

• 1 x Sergeant Goran Lazarenko, the Jackal (Khador character solo)
• 1 x Scatter Terrain (4x Walls and 2x Shallow Water/Hazards)
• 1 x The Black 13th (Cygnar character 3-model unit)
• 1 x The Hounds (Khador character 3-model unit)
• 1 x Captain Bastian Falk (Cygnar character solo)
• 1 x Kapitan Zahara Vilkul (Khador warcaster)
• 1 x Major Allister Caine (Cygnar waracaster)
• 1 x Deuce (Cygnar character warjack)
• 1 x Razor (Khador character warjack)

Warmachine – Zacchaeus Winters Chill

£16.80 ex. VAT

A fearsome rider on the winter’s wind, Zacchaeus and his great snow hare have terrified wayward children in the far north for generations immemorial. It is said that where the hare takes him, deathly cold and starvation follow. Bound for a time in the service of an ancient hag, Zacchaeus missed the Wicked Harvest and recently slipped his bondage. He now moves through a world much changed and seeks purpose amongst its ashes.

• Zacchaeus is a grymkin cavalry model with Dual Attack, Pathfinder, Resistance: Cold, and Unstoppable.
• Zacchaeus will work for the Shadowflame Shard as well as a forthcoming army.
• His attacks freeze enemy models in their tracks.

• 1 x Zacchaeus Figure

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Absolution Green (6 Packs)

£12.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Aged Hide (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Algae Green (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Ancient Honey (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Ashen Stone (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Aztec Gold (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Battleship Grey (6 Packs)

£12.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Beowulf Blue (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Blinding Light (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Blood Red (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Bony Matter (6 Packs)

£12.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Bright Red (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Broadsword Silver (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Brownish Decay (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Burnished Red (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Burnt Moss (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Camo Cloak (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Caribbean Ocean (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Carmine Dragon (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Charming Chartreuse (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Cloudburst Blue (6 Packs)

£12.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint

The Army Painter – Speedpaint 2.0 – Crusader Skin (6 Packs)

£13.80 ex. VAT

Speedpaint is truly a one-coat painting solution. Simply apply one rich coat of Speedpaint directly over a primed miniature and you are done! The Speedpaint will leave that part of the model with both intense shading, vibrant colour, and a highlight effect in one application. It flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.

• Flows perfectly over your miniatures and creates an unparalleled painting solution to help you get more time for gaming.
• Gives an intense shading and highlighting effect to minis with just one coat.
• All Speedpaints come with two Mixing Balls already loaded in the bottle.

• 1 x Speedpaint