Everything you need to play your first game of Spire: The City Must Fall.
Spire is a mile-high city riven by oppression and cruelty. The ruling high elf class lord over the subjugated dark elves from ice-rimed palaces while their charges work and die in their factories, gardens, tenements and armies.
The time has come for change. Join the Ministry of Our Hidden Mistress, a paramilitary cult devoted to an illegal goddess, and take Spire back at the point of a blade.
Hit the ground running and change the city for good with the Spire Quickstart. It includes:
• Streamlined rules, edited and redesigned for clarity and ease of play
• Six pregenerated characters including Bonchance Malrique (a spoiled but brilliant Midwife occultist), Diyell Serpent’s Eye (an exmilitary gangster Knight), and Mallory Hemlock (a damaged moonpriest with a taste for murder)
• Snuff Out The Sun, a starter adventure, which focuses around the murder and replacement of a prominent high elf bishop before (or during!) a spiritually- relevant solar eclipse – and is designed to mesh with the Conspiracy Handbook (RRD010812), allowing you to continue your campaign with ease.
• Give this out to players during the game for a super quick rules reference at the table.
• A fraction of the price of the Spire corebook.
• Written by Grant Howitt, author of Spire.
• 1 x Book