Warmachine – Orgoth Cursebound Cadre

£59.80 ex. VAT

Alongside deep psychological trauma and generational anguish, the most tangible record of the first Orgoth occupation were the infernal relics they left buried beneath their hellish places of execution. For a time, such artifacts were harnessed by misguided arcanists hungry for prestige and influence but who were ultimately ignorant of their true power and implications. No mere weapons, such devices were once the prized possession of fell reavers and soul-fueled warlords, champions of the masters of the Outer Abyss.

Now, with the return of the Orgoth comes Oriax, the Soul Slaver, and his accursed retinue. Weaving blasphemous soul magic, Oriax has the capacity to dominate both beast and machine. He is accompanied by Halexus, The Warlord, a soul-starved herald and bloody avatar of the Fellgoeth infernals. Held in their thrall are the Gnashers, Ulkor shock troopers dominated by the maligned will of their paired hell-wrought weapons, and the massive Ghrotten Champion and Keepers, fearsome warriors likewise slaved to their infernal arms. And most terrible of all, the abominable Raveners: part beast and part machine, these howling monstrosities are the cursebound equivalent of the heaviest warjacks and are devoted utterly to their master’s fearsome will.

• Alongside deep psychological trauma and generational anguish, the most tangible record of the first Orgoth occupation were the infernal relics they left buried beneath their hellish places of execution.
• These howling monstrosities are the cursebound equivalent of the heaviest warjacks and are devoted utterly to their master’s fearsome will.
• Weaving blasphemous soul magic, Oriax has the capacity to dominate both beast and machine.

• Ravener (Heavy Warbeast)
• Gnashers (3-model unit)
• Halexus, The Warlord
• Oriax, the Soul Slaver
• Ghrotten Champion
• Ghrotten Keeper

Age Rating



Alongside deep psychological trauma and generational anguish, the most tangible record of the first Orgoth occupation were the infernal relics they left buried beneath their hellish places of execution. For a time, such artifacts were harnessed by misguided arcanists hungry for prestige and influence but who were ultimately ignorant of their true power and implications. No mere weapons, such devices were once the prized possession of fell reavers and soul-fueled warlords, champions of the masters of the Outer Abyss.

Now, with the return of the Orgoth comes Oriax, the Soul Slaver, and his accursed retinue. Weaving blasphemous soul magic, Oriax has the capacity to dominate both beast and machine. He is accompanied by Halexus, The Warlord, a soul-starved herald and bloody avatar of the Fellgoeth infernals. Held in their thrall are the Gnashers, Ulkor shock troopers dominated by the maligned will of their paired hell-wrought weapons, and the massive Ghrotten Champion and Keepers, fearsome warriors likewise slaved to their infernal arms. And most terrible of all, the abominable Raveners: part beast and part machine, these howling monstrosities are the cursebound equivalent of the heaviest warjacks and are devoted utterly to their master’s fearsome will.

• Alongside deep psychological trauma and generational anguish, the most tangible record of the first Orgoth occupation were the infernal relics they left buried beneath their hellish places of execution.
• These howling monstrosities are the cursebound equivalent of the heaviest warjacks and are devoted utterly to their master’s fearsome will.
• Weaving blasphemous soul magic, Oriax has the capacity to dominate both beast and machine.

• Ravener (Heavy Warbeast)
• Gnashers (3-model unit)
• Halexus, The Warlord
• Oriax, the Soul Slaver
• Ghrotten Champion
• Ghrotten Keeper